Here is a beautiful ceiling of Christ Church Cathedral at Oxford University. This is a popular site to visit for tourists and there is always a long queue should there not be Covid-19. It looks familiar as it was used in the film, Harry Potter. The cathedral was originally built in the twelfth century. But it is said that the construction of the ceiling was completed in the early period of the 1500s during the reign of Henry VIII.
Now the images below were taken prior to Covid-19 at a workshop on the history of printings held by Bodleian Library. As you can see, the printing machines they hold are Gutenberg's, which had brought a revolution in the print culture and enabled mass production of books.
Samuel Richardson, who published his first novel, Pamela (1740) was also a printer. He is known to have invented the epistolary style as he was writing love letters on behalf of his contemporaries. Well, living in the digital age, I can see the hard work of printers despite how innovative it was to use Gutenberg's. I'm impressed with the diligence of those who lived in the 15th-18th centuries! 📚
大量の印刷が可能となり、イギリスでは小説、'novel' (new) という新しい形式の文学が生まれます。18世紀半ばに、書簡体小説『パミラ』を著して大人気となった作家サミュエル・リチャードソンも、印刷工でした。文字を書けない人のためにラブレターを代筆していたことから、この形式を考えついたと言われています。