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Jane Austen's 'Great House'

Chawton House was once owned by Jane Austen's brother, Edward Austen Knight, who was adopted by a wealthy relative without direct heirs. The house was his second house after Godmersham Park in Kent, which is printed on the British £10 note. Chawton House situates near Winchester and is within 10 minutes walk from Jane Austen's cottage in Chawton village. The Great House appears in Jane's letters and it is known that she spent time in dining and reading there. It was refurbished in the early 2000s and, since then, has been open as a research centre of female writings, 1600-1830.




チョートン・ハウスはエドワードが夏に過ごす別宅となり、歩いて8分程の距離にある同じ村のコテッジが、父親亡き後のジェインと姉カサンドラ、母親に提供された。兄家族との交流は盛んで、ジェインの手紙からは、'Great House'(お屋敷)でアフタヌーンティーや晩餐を楽しんだこと、当時は貴重であった本を読んだりしたことが伺える。



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The Long Drive

"... the eye was instantly caught by Pemberley House, situated on the opposite side of a valley, into which the road with some abruptness wound. It was a large, handsome stone building, standing well on rising ground, and backed by a ridge of high woody hills..."

(Pride and Prejudice, Vol. III, Chapter 1)

'The Great House' of Chawton village situates at the end of the high street of the village. It is 7-8 minutes walk from Jane Austen's House, and you will see this breathtaking view when you arrive at the Long Drive. While houses in the village are small and have thatched roof, Chawton House is made of stone and proudly stands in the centre of picturesque scenery. The grandeur of the house reflects on the owner's taste and wealth, just like in Pride and Prejudice.

An oil painting held by the Knight family (Jane's brother's descendants), however, shows a different concept of rural beauty by describing cows and horses grazing in front of the house. The current garden was designed in the late 18th century after a fashionable movement of improving estates. Characters of Mansfield Park are discussing designs of Capability Brown. Surely, Jane Austen was familiar with its idea through her experiences at Chawton House.

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しかし、そもそも彼女が馬車を使えなかったのは、馬が農作業に必要だったから。18,19世紀の紳士階級の暮らしたマナー・ハウス(荘園)では、馬や牛、羊などを放牧させて使用人が農作業を行うことで収入の一部とした。写真の馬はShire horseという強靭な脚を備えた農耕用の馬で、日本在来馬、例えば対州馬などに似ている。


この写真の手前にある柵は、'Ha-ha' として知られる埋め込んだ柵で、家畜が住居である建物の近くに近寄れないための仕切りだ。ところが、遠くから見ると堀が視界から消えて、芝生が途切れることなく一面に広がっているように見えるため、美しい景観を損ねない。それで、「ハハア!」と感嘆の声を上げたのがこの柵の語源とされる。十八世紀後半には、このような風景式庭園が流行し、チョートン・ハウスでも改良を施した。その様子は、小説『マンスフィールド・パーク』のサザトン邸宅の描写からも垣間見られる。


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